Keywords in Context Index
NAG C Library Manual


a02cac   Addition of two complex numbers
a02cbc   Subtraction of two complex numbers
a02ccc   Multiplication of two complex numbers
a02cdc   Quotient of two complex numbers
a02cgc   Equality of two complex numbers
a02chc   Inequality of two complex numbers
c06ekc   Circular convolution or correlation of two real vectors
d02gbc   Ordinary differential equations solver, for general linear two-point boundary value problems, using a finite difference technique with deferred correction
d02rac   Ordinary differential equations solver, for general nonlinear two-point boundary value problems, using a finite difference technique with deferred correction
d06aac   Generates a two-dimensional mesh using a simple incremental method
d06abc   Generates a two-dimensional mesh using a Delaunay–Voronoi process
d06acc   Generates a two-dimensional mesh using an Advancing-front method
e01dac   Interpolating function, bicubic spline interpolant, two variables
e01sac   A function to generate a two-dimensional surface interpolating a set of data points, using either the method of Renka and Cline or the modified Shepard's method
e01sbc   A function to evaluate, at a set of points, the two-dimensional interpolant function generated by e01sac
e02dcc   Least-squares bicubic spline fit with automatic knot placement, two variables (rectangular grid)
e02ddc   Least-squares bicubic spline fit with automatic knot placement, two variables (scattered data)
f06yac   Matrix-matrix product, two real rectangular matrices
f06zac   Matrix-matrix product, two complex rectangular matrices
g07ddc   Trimmed and winsorized mean of a sample with estimates of the variances of the two means

Keywords in Context Index
NAG C Library Manual

© The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd, Oxford UK. 2002